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  • What should each person expect in a coach-client relationship?
    Some of the main points are – (a) The Client agrees to: Be willing to examine their issues and look for solutions, recognizing that the coach is a guide, not a solution provider or a friend. Engage fully, with enthusiasm, during coaching sessions and with homework. Communicate openly and honestly with the coach. Listen with an open mind, with willingness to learn, recognizing that the coach always has the Client’s best interests at heart. (b) Coach agrees at all times to: Respect and safeguard the client’s confidentiality. Create a safe environment where both Client and Coach and are free to express and explore ideas, and to listen without judgment. Maintain a high level of professional standards with the Client, recognizing the importance of compassion, honesty and truth; but also, happiness and a positive outlook.
  • Should the Client and Coach have a written agreement about the coaching relationship?
    Yes. Ideally, they should. That way, both people have a clear understanding of their own, and the other’s responsibilities. They will have clear expectations of each other.
  • What types of people look for a Success Coach?
    Success comes in many forms, depending on which aspects of life are involved. Generally, the hallmarks of success are satisfaction, achievement of aims or goals, or new freedom as the result of an endeavor. People who look for a Success Coach usually have one of two motives. Firstly, there are those who have issues in one or more areas of life that they cannot resolve. They find themselves stuck and want to move forwards. The second type of person is motivated by ambition – the desire to achieve as much as possible, and maybe even more than that! They want the skills that will take them to the heights of achievement and success.
  • What’s the best way to find the right coach?
    (a) I recommend Googling keywords that relate to the reason you are considering engaging a coach: e.g. “coaching for … .” For business or relationship matters, look for coaches with expertise in those areas. (b) Check out the websites of the potential coaches you find. What services and benefits do they offer? Read the testimonials: they will give an indication of whether the coach’s offerings resonate with your needs. (c) When you identify a potential coach, ask for a free 30-minute consultation. Be organized before the meeting with: A short description about yourself and where you are up to in life. Your aspirations for the future, and any matters you see that might jeopardize achieving it. “I’m looking for a coach because … .” Ask how the coach would go about assisting you. Do they have a curriculum or a system in mind? Do they have analyzing or learning tools for you? (d) At the end of the meeting, be decisive. You know what you want, and if the coach seems ideal, go for it. Procrastination is rarely a successful strategy. And when it comes to the cost (i.e. how much you will invest in yourself), ask yourself what it would be worth to have achieved what you want and much more. Transformation, growth, and more freedom are priceless.
  • How long does a coaching relationship last?
    There are no hard and fast rules about this. Some people have the same coach for years. Others just have a set number of sessions, because they are limited by their finances. On-line courses obviously run for a set number of sessions. In deciding on the duration of your coaching, the main factor to consider is, are you making progress? Are you getting value? However, it’s important to understand that it usually takes many sessions to create meaningful progress. We all have set patterns of thinking and doing, and if you haven’t had a coach or done coaching homework before, it takes a while (sometimes months) to establish new habits in both those areas. The frequency of the coaching and the time and effort in doing homework influence this greatly. If you feel that you and the coach are not on the same page, or you’re not winning, address the matter ASAP with your coach. It’s your coaching, and your decision about whether to continue or stop.
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